Mobile Applications Development
Have an idea of a new disruptive mobile app?
Need to build a corrporate mobile based solution or additional mobile channel to access your existing customers?
Business Analysis
and Consulting
Every project starts with business analysis, which includes in-depth research of requirements and desired outcomes. After the research, our analysts prepare an action plan for the entire project.
UX Design
User experience design is essential to accelerate the adoption of the product. We analyze the collected feedback from users to understand users' behavior and traits. We design the entire user journey and take into consideration different edge-case scenarios in order to achieve a fully functional product. As a result we create a Figma wireframe prototype, which allows to evaluate the user's behavior even before the app or web-site is created
Mobile back-end server development
Our enginerring team prepares the solution architecture, applies the latest technologies and builds the feature-rich front interface. We deliver web and mobile solutions that are secure, fast, robust and scalable.
Mobile native development
In cases where it is critical to be independent from the internet connection and have a low reaction time, it is necessary to build a native iOs or Android application. That might be because you manage the hardware or use geolocation or just need the user experience to be really exceptional.


Our expertise
  • Objective-C, Swift, UI Kit
  • Core Animation
  • GCD
  • Core Data
  • Realm
  • Cocoapods
  • Watch Kit
  • JsonRPC, REST
  • GraphQL
  • Alamofire
  • Kingfisher
  • RxSwift
  • BLE / GATT
  • WebRTC
  • Augmented Reality
  • OpenGL
  • Google Services, Google Maps / Navigation
  • Native Android Java
  • Dagger
  • RxJava
  • Realm Room OpenGL
  • AR
  • WebRTC
  • JsonRPC
  • REST
  • GraphQL
  • Retrofit
  • BLE / GATT
  • Android Jetpack
  • Google Services
  • Google Maps / Navigation
  • Native Android Kotlin
  • Koin
  • Kodein
  • Coroutines
  • Moshi

Proven track record in complex software for the following industries

Academic Publishing
Academic Publishing
Marketing & Media
Marketing & Media
Healthcare & Bioinformatics
Healthcare & Bioinformatics

Versatile cooperation models to achive your targets on an affordable budget

Fixed Price
Fixed Price
Dedicated Team
Dedicated Team
Support package
Support package


We are a well-composed team, consisting of professionals with a median of 15 years of experience in software engineering, UX/UI design, 3D modeling, AI and bioinformatics.

Mature business processes
Engineering mindsed
98%+ project success score
80%+ repetitive clients
More about us
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