
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a digital object, such as a journal article, dataset, or book chapter, that provides a permanent link to its location on the internet. In academic publishing, DOIs are critical for ensuring the persistence and traceability of scholarly works. When an article is assigned a DOI, it allows researchers, students, and institutions to easily locate and cite the work accurately, even if the URL of the content changes. DOIs are important because they facilitate the tracking of citations and usage metrics, which are key indicators of a publication's impact. CrossRef, the official DOI registration agency for scholarly content, works with publishers to assign DOIs to their published works. DOIs are typically included in references and citations, making it easier for other researchers to access the source material. Without a DOI, locating specific pieces of research can be difficult, especially if the content moves between different platforms.

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